How to Play Football Parlay
How to Play Football Parlay
Blog Article
Butuhwin - Parlay Bola is a name that is often called by some bettors, but the original title is "Mix Parlay" so the word Mix means a mixture while parlay is still Parlay, but the term Multiple Party/Mixed Party is often used, maybe Parlay means that, but it is not too important for bettors, because the most crucial thing is how to Play Parlay Bola.
For this market, it is most popular with bettors who have minimal capital or want to win big quickly, yes, in this bet, there is no prohibition for bettors who want to place "Parlay" but must comply with the rules and not exceed the limits that can be placed, generally in Trusted Online Football Bookies, it varies for the maximum bettors can place Parlay Bola, if not 8 teams, 10 teams, 12 teams, 15 teams depending on the game provider.
Because this soccer betting market is different from others, bettors can also place bets with a minimum of 1 thousand, 10 thousand, 11 thousand, 13 thousand, 15 thousand again depending on the policy of the Online Soccer Bookie itself, if in SBOBET generally if the cash market is only allowed 12/13 teams, I also forgot, long story short in this market bettors can choose any team from all the Top European Leagues in football as long as it is available in the Mix Parlay menu because unlike other types of markets, the Mix Parlay menu is separate so it makes it easier for bettors to make choices.
For example, if the bettor previously knew "Fur-Furan, Handicap, Over/Under, 1×2, Odd/Even" in Parlay Bola, the bettor may choose this market to be used as a Mix Parlay and the rules of the game remain the same as previously explained by the admin, the only difference is that Mix Parlay if the bettor chooses 5 teams if he wants to win the bet, all teams must win.
If you win half, lose half, it is still counted but the "Odds" are calculated differently but the bettor still wins, on the other hand, if only 1 out of 5 teams loses, then all the winning teams are in vain and that is the rule of the Trusted Online Football Bookie Parlay market.
In addition, there are other options in the Parlay Bola game, namely that I know only exist in SBOBET, apart from that I haven't checked it, namely "Combo Mix Parlay" of course this market is different from the usual Mix Parlay so bettors who place bets on "Combo Mix Parlay" for example taking 10 teams directly, bettors can choose their options whether they want to win all 10 teams, or only 9 wins out of 10 pairs, it can also be 8 wins out of 10 pairs, these options will appear if the bettor is in the game directly.
If the usual "Mix Parlay" bettors do not have such rules, if there is 1 team that loses completely, then the winning team is considered forfeited and the bettor loses, on the other hand, "Combo Mix Parlay" bettors can choose how many teams will win from the 10 teams that the bettor bets.
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